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Who Are They?
EVANA (Evangelical Anabaptist Network) is a community of churches and individuals faithful to traditional anabaptist theology, who have hearts led by the Holy Spirit to see lives transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Common ground is in historical Anabaptist theology, as articulated in the 1995 Confession of Faith. The common vision is to live out Jesus' Great Commission to make and grow disciples. More...
What Does It Take?
EVANA's Personal Covenant
Who Do Men and Women Say they Are?
Christianity Today
reports on the falling away of Mennonite Church USA, its associated schools and colleges and its official publications - and the reaction by the grassroots faithful in establishing an ark of deliverance through EVANA:
The Mennonite's "progressive" bloggers offer their perspectives:
The Mennonite World Review weighs in on EVANA:
The Ecumenical Evangelical perspective:
" The first stumbling block to any Evangelical cave-in is the Bible. Evangelicals are not 'fundamentalists' in the way many have come to use the term ... But conservative Evangelicals are - and always have been - fundamentalist in the original meaning of the term ... The controversy there was not over whether the millennium of Revelation 20 is literal or whether the days of Genesis 1 are twenty-four-hour solar cycles, much less over whether the King James Version of the Bible is the only legitimate English translation of Scripture.
"The issues were the most basic aspects of 'mere Christianity' - the virgin birth, the miracles, the atonement, the bodily resurrection, and the inspiration of Scripture. The Evangelical commitment to biblical authority means that the Bible is not written by geniuses but by apostles, to use Kierkegaard's distinction. The words of the Bible are breathed out by the Spirit, as the apostle Paul puts it (2 Tim. 3:16). 'For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man,' the apostle Peter teaches. 'But men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit'(2 Pet. 1:21).
"Many secular progressives believe that Evangelicals, along with their religious allies, just need a nudge to catch up with the right side of history, a nudge they are more than willing to provide through social marginalization or the removal of tax exemptions or various other state-mandated carrots and sticks. Our churches can simply accommodate doctrines and practices to new family definitions, these progressives advise, and everyone will be happy. Religious liberty violations, then, aren't really harming Evangelicals, this reasoning goes, but instead are helping us to get where we're headed anyway a little faster."

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